Why does my dog keep licking his lips? - dog keep liking lips
In the last couple of weeks, began my Pekinese mix, licking his lips almost without interruption. Time of the act, jumping on the couch watching TV with me and licked his lips constantly, until she falls asleep. My perpetrator has suggested that it might allergies, but not yet discovered what appeared to be allergic. I do not think that he is thirsty, or put something into his mouth. I really want this to stop, because it seems it is not very good for him to do so for so long. Suggestions on what to do or what could be causing this?
Go to the vet and have been tested for the treatment of allergies. Do not make your dog suffer to feed what?
Mom does not even Pekingese. the vet said it was not something contaminated with the skin directly over the nose (is not that your dog is not clean), which is moistened, fold irritated and lick you feel better, but not wet most. they gave us something that looked like baby powder, just to put him on the Internet, but I am a vet! I would just call and ask if you need to be reviewed
The attempt to clean the mouth.
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